Monday, February 10, 2025

Political preference


Here is why I prefer the Democratic Party:

Suffering matters.  More suffering is bad.  Less suffering is good.  Nothing else matters.

Overpopulation increases suffering.  Republicans did the gag rule, preventing international family planning.

Resource depletion increases suffering.  Republicans belittle efforts to slow consumption of nonrenewable resources.  Drill baby drill!

Climate change increases suffering.  Republicans oppose efforts to limit global warming – Paris Accords.

Ignorance increases suffering.  Republican media spread many lies every day, every hour.  Few if any scholars or experts appear in Republican broadcasts.

Hate increases suffering.  Listen to Republican pundits a few hours, eg Mark Levin, Sean Hannity.

Poverty increases suffering.  Republican tax policies favoring  the wealthy have decimated the middle class.

Injustice increases suffering.  Democrats are more hospitable to social justice.

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