Saturday, November 30, 2019

Inventions Thanksgiving 2019

1.  Improved Oxygen-Saturation/Pulse-Rate finger meter.  Digital read-out makes audible tick accompanying each registered beat above half average strength.  Responding to a button-press shows a plot of last minute of pulse heights against time.  This improvement would allow user to identify arrhythmias.

2.  Electro-mechanical back scratcher that can be guided by remote or wired controller and optionally can automatically cover the back area systematically like iRobot Roomba, but able to return later to user-identified areas needing additional scratching, perhaps identified by a signal input as scratcher leaves each such areas.  This would be a great benefit for people with weak or painful joints from shoulders to fingers inclusively.  Further consideration led me to drop the iRobot idea, but to cotinue the powered scratch idea.  This was submitted for patent in the autumn of 2021:

In the same autumn, I submitted patent applications for Semi-Truck Jackknife Blocker:

and Semi-Truck Anti-Jackknife System

3.  To be continued.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Gravity and Inertia

Aether is the hypothetical medium believed since ancient times to fill space and to conduct actions across space including light transmission and gravitational attraction.  Its existence was assumed by scientists until experiments in 1887 to detect it failed.  Michelson and Morley designed an extremely sensitive device that employed interference between split light beams to detect movement of the earth through the light-bearing medium.  The result was convincingly negative, so scientists abandoned aether-based theories.
Relativity and quantum mechanics developed without assumed aether, and physicists came to eschew the word aether.  Einstein explained gravity as an effect of bending space-time, this resulting in acceleration of matter bodies towards each other.  Beginning with Max Planck, light became viewed as streaming energy bundles (quanta) called photons, not so much as waves propagated in a medium.  A modern version of quantum theory postulates fields whose disturbances might become particles or propagated waves.  Scientists who dismiss aether postulate an electromagnetic field and a gravity field (maybe the Higgs field) and perhaps a field for any remaining force and/or particle.  Honestly, I’m lost in these fields, and I can’t see how their disturbances can be particles.  The waves that I know pass through each other unaffected.  Quantum fields sound to me like aether reincarnate.
I’m inclined to suspect that light is electromagnetic waves in aether.  I can’t find a robust definition of photon intended by all physicists in all applications; so, for all I know, an electromagnetic wave might be a photon or a shower of photons.  I suspect that gravity is an imbalance of electroneutral aether waves (possibly compression waves) resulting in acceleration of mass (=energy) elements of matter.  Alternatively, gravity might be an effect of flowing aether a portion being absorbed by mass elements.
Inertia seems to involve the same elements of matter as does gravity, elements interacting with a space-filling field postulated by Higgs.  Current scholarly thought about the Higgs mechanism evades me, but I suspect that all energy bearing elements of matter interact with some field, which is aether or a component of aether.  I’m just speculating that the old aether idea might anticipate and embrace modern field theory.  It’s hard to tell what scholars mean by their words.
It seems that the force needed to accelerate an object is the force needed to accelerate the aether connected to mass elements in the object.  Considering the density of heavy elements, neutron stars and black holes, the impeding concentration of aether must be enormous, most of it indifferent to matter that we live with and experience.  It’s fun to consider how it is that an object in space accelerated in a given direction seems to continue coasting at that velocity indefinitely, given all the aether everywhere.  Let’s discuss it.  Might aether be almost infinitely fluid and almost infinitely resilient by comparison with familiar matter?  What aether (field) characteristics could account for inertia – the external force needed to accelerate an object and the external force needed to decelerate a coasting object?
The correct theory must account for the unexpectedly high angular velocity of stars near the periphery of galaxies.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Gravity Theory

Gravity, what is it?

For way too long, I’ve wondered how bodies of matter separated by empty space can attract each other, ie be accelerated toward each other.  I now suspect that gravity is not a separate attractive force but an imbalance of the recently discovered repulsive force called dark energy.  Probably dark matter will be explained as self-augmenting inhomogeneity of dark-energy generation, ie instability of dark-energy distribution.  In other words, dark energy is the electroneutral force of space, accounting for all gravity manifestations including dark matter.  Serious speculation appears to be progressing toward this hypothesis.

I believe that space is filled with a high-resilience medium (aether) which propagates electromagnetic disturbances (light, radio, gamma) and deformation disturbances, as light-speed waves.  The deformation waves (possibly compressions) transfer momentum to matter particles, accelerating those particles mostly in the direction of their propagation.  These waves may come from particle motions or may be spontaneous or may be from primordial momentum or from particle destruction.  In any case, the deformation waves constitute dark energy.  Every sample of space has dark-energy waves propagated through it in every direction randomly.  Some waves that enter a matter body may not pass through but be absorbed in the act of giving up momentum to (accelerating) the body's mass elements.

I believe that these dark-energy waves are very forceful in accelerating encountered particles but (like neutrinos) very inefficient in finding particles to encounter within a matter body.  This feature may become significant in modeling gravity.  The gravitational action of dark energy can be conceived as follows (with the earth as an example massive body).

Surrounding the earth (as for any massive body in space), there would be a deficit of dark-energy waves from the earth’s direction, many of the waves from that direction having been absorbed in accelerating particles within the earth.  In essence, the earth casts a shadow all around itself, a deficit of waves in the direction away from itself.  The earth’s dark-energy shadow would be most intense at the earth’s surface and would decline essentially as 1/r^2 with distance from the earth.  Any other body in the earth’s dark-energy shadow would receive waves accelerating its particles toward the earth more than from the earth, that other body being thereby accelerated toward the earth – ie attracted toward the earth.  These actions are of course mutual, each body producing a deficit of dark-energy waves away from itself, hence an acceleration towards itself.

This is an ancient idea with specific modern names for the agents.  I have eluded to it in earlier blogs:

Saturday, September 14, 2019

My crisis of faith

 *  I’ve tried to believe, really I have.  Heaven knows I’ve tried, almost every day for the past 8 years.  But I still doubt the foundations of modern physics.
  *  Regarding Special Relativity, evidence against an aether and a universal reference frame doesn’t convince me.  Regarding General Relativity, evidence that massive bodies bend light and attract other massive bodies owing to deformation of space doesn’t convince me.  Regarding Quantum Mechanics, photon properties and definitions are too paradoxical and mercurial.  It seems to me that aether is, that gravity is mediated by aethereal activity (as are electromagnetic forces), and light is aether waves.  I have no quarrel with other standard-model particles and forces.
 *  I don’t see how gravitational waves could do work on the Ligo detector and every other object in their path unless the massive objects producing the waves are impeded in the process, and that should happen even if the universe had no other massive objects to receive the waves.  That slowing must be due to interaction with aether and it must be relative to aether’s coordinates.
  *  Would existence of aether obviate the paradoxes of special relativity such as contraction of the universe in the direction of a fast-moving observer?  And by the way, two massive objects in mutual orbit would surely experience centripetal force even with no other body in the universe, revealing a universal reference frame.  The objects would approach each other as they lose angular momentum to the aether, and collide.
 *  I don’t see how a light wave could experience no time progress between leaving a source and hitting a target unless it touched source and target simultaneously, despite a wave length much shorter than the distance from source to target (eg from one galaxy to another).  An all-purpose photon definition might help.
 *  Aether is an elastic medium filling all space, the substrate of force fields; and it propagates force-field disturbances, ie energy waves.  I imagine it to be very busy with waves of every kind passing through every point randomly in many random directions simultaneously.  Waves can interact with matter particles, transferring linear and angular momenta to and from matter particles mostly self canceling or quickly reversed.
 *  And by the way #2, I suspect that gravitational lensing may be a mirage, such as we see on a hot road or desert or as allows long-distance radio  --  refraction by a transverse gradient of matter density, in these cases air density.  An extreme case of this might account for light being trapped in a black hole and in an optic cable.
 *  Waves pass through each other unaffected.  Judging from solar sails, they shove massive particles gently in their propagation directions giving their momentum to the particles in the process.  Could this effect be dark energy and shading of it be gravity?  Could gravity and electromagnetism be different blends of the same waves?
  *  I don't know whether my speculations agree with those of a prolific and thoughtful YouTuber named Robert Distinti, but I hope so.  

Monday, August 12, 2019

Implications of "gravitational" waves

* As a recreational scientist, I try to discern physical properties from system behavior and to consider implications of such properties.  Recently I’ve been wondering about properties of space and concluded that it is not empty but filled with a highly resilient low density medium named aether, which is subject to geometric and electromagnetic disturbances which are propagated as waves.
* Physicists have detected gravity oscillations believed to have emanated from a pair of distant objects orbiting their combined center of gravity just before mutual absorption.  The effect is expected, since the gravitational attraction when the objects lie on the line to us exceeds that when the objects are transverse to the line to us.  These gravity oscillations wiggle distant targets including us, this being the signal detected by LIGO.
 *  The act of wiggling is a transfer of energy to the targets, energy that has traversed a great distance from its source.  The initial transfer of energy from source to its neighboring space (aether), must have impeded the source's motion.  That impedance or resistance likely accounts for the fact that the wave-producing objects approach each other and merge.
* A corollary of this logic is that all objects moving through space lose momentum as they do work on that space (actually space-filling aether) – so gravity should eventually collapse all matter associations suspended by momentum, ie planet systems, solar systems, galaxies and galaxy clusters.  Each collapse should result in an explosive release of matter clouds containing higher-weight atoms as is supposed for collapsing stars.
 *  These are the implications of gravitational waves.  But what is the interaction between matter bodies and aether that accelerates the bodies toward each other?  What are the properties and actions of aether that account for gravitational attraction, the acceleration matter bodies toward each other?  That's fun to contemplate.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Officer in Garner death

* On the MSNBC Sunday show, Al Sharpton usually addresses racial-justice issues responsibly.  Not so when it came to Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson and Eric Garner’s death in New York.  In these cases he incited resentment of police unjustifiably, excessively and regrettably.  Regrettably because resentment leads to contempt hence to crimes and their sequelae.  Excessively because Sharpton kept provoking his audiences already riled.  Unjustifiably because the officers in these two cases were not guilty of wrong doing – the shooting of Michael Brown was provoked and defensive; the neck hold on Eric Garner was not the cause of death.
* Each of these victims was breaking the law.  Each was very large and resisted arrest.
* Michael Brown assaulted then threatened his arresting officer and was approaching him when shot.  It is proper for a lone cop to shoot before closing with an oncoming belligerent.  The witness lied about the event.
* Several officers were needed to subdue Garner, each trying to control an available part, including his neck.  The neck-hold did not cut off Garner’s airway as evidenced by his continued utterances.  Heart-failure patients experience a drowning sensation ("can't breathe") during and after exertion.  The sensation supports the reflex response to exercise, that being deeper and faster ventilation to support exertion.  The sensation is due to lactic acid and carbon dioxide in the blood coming from working muscles (this together with diminished blood oxygen).  Another response supporting exertion is faster and stronger heart beats, signaled by sympathetic nerves and secreted adrenalin.  Likely Garner’s damaged heart, unable to endure the extra work, experienced ventricular fibrillation, which is lethal.  That is an ordinary heart attack.  In the brief struggle, the sympathetic stimulation would have been due to mental excitement more than the metabolite changes.  His heart probably didn’t stop due to pressure on the neck artery (carotid body), since that would render him unconscious quickly and would be quickly reversible.  In any case, his death was accidental not intentional.  
* Therefore, the officers involved in these two deaths did not commit crimes and should not be punished or hated.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Physics teacher for recreationally curious

For several years, I've been curious about physics, studying YouTube lectures by physics professors at top universities, subscribing to physics discussion groups, sometimes recording my conjectures so as to organize them and avoid forgetting them.  There are some kooks out there who might have valuable ideas but can't present them.  The YouTube teacher who excites me most is Robert Distinti.  His models of forces and waves might be closer to truth than those from Noble Laureates and advanced university physics courses.  For what it's worth here are links to Distinti's YouTube legacy.  Also a couple of related links.
     my space model

Some of my own conjectures: