Monday, January 18, 2021

Events of January 6, 2021

Owing to events of Jan 6, ten suspicions are now certainties.

1) A sociopathic president endangers democracy.

2) White men in bunches are irresponsible.

3) Protection of elected leaders is inadequate.

4) Loss of white male privilege awakens wrath.

5) Republicans don’t respect society's mores.

6) Bill Moyers was right, Civilization is but a thin veneer.

7) Republican leaders love neither truth nor justice.

8) Social media abuse can evoke felony murder.

9) Conservative broadcasters need intervening fact checkers.

10) Watters', Hannity's and Levin's lies harm.  Fox News should be sued into bankruptcy for fiduciary irresponsibility.

Also owing to events of Jan 6, I am uncomfortable with most friends and some family -- awaiting contrition.

Friday, January 15, 2021

My Honeycomb Illusion

I recently became aware that I see a faint honeycomb pattern on any featureless area of my visual field, such as my ceiling or blank computer screen or porcelain surface.  With patience I can see this illusion despite features in the field.  I see it also with eyes closed and in the dark.  Borders between hexagonal cells are dark gray and areas within cells are what's really out there.

My illusion does not seem to be what is described as “honeycomb illusion” in Googled sites.  Is it possible that this easily experienced phenomenon has never been noticed?  It should have been described by Aristotle looking at dawn or dusk sky more than two millennia ago.  It should be common knowledge and have a name.  If not, the following observations might be of interest to neurophysiologists.

1)  The pattern spreads with distance from my eyes, ie it is spherically divergent as if projected from my head to the featureless surface.  At 16 inches from my eye, one hexagonal cell is about 1/4 inch wide.  At 64 inches from my eye, one cell is about one inch wide.  The spherical divergence means it is generated by my nervous system.  It's in my head, not out where I perceive it to be.

2)  Given these dimensions, there are more than 200 cells left-to-right across my visual field and less than 200 cells top-to-bottom of my visual field.

3)  The pattern orients with my face (or head) with each cell having vertical flat sides and a gable top and a V bottom . 

4)  The pattern apparently stays put, at least temporarily, when I redirect my gaze somewhat without moving my head, implying that it is not stuck in my eyes.  However, it also stays put when I move my head while fixing my eyes on a location, implying that is is not stuck in my brain.  It seems stuck in the outside world where it most recently appeared.

5)  Might the hexagonal pattern play a role in signaling ocular muscles to superimpose left-eye and right-eye images on the visual cortex for image coherence and depth perception?

6)  Might the pattern be a frame of reference positioned by output from my vestibular system and moved reflexively so as to stay still relative to the outside world as my head moves?  This is the possibility that I hope to explore further.

7)  If the reader has a similar illusion or related idea, we could discuss.  If the reader knows of germane literature, I'd like some citations.