Saturday, September 12, 2015

Problems in the GOP stable

 *  By their fruits ye shall know them (Matt 7:16).  You can't judge a book by its cover.  I have confirmed these maxims many times, seeing that the most accomplished of my colleagues showed no outward signs of it.  Yet prejudice is so natural.  We naturally judge people by their appearance or other irrelevancies: race, religion, gender, age, language, lineage, dress, cosmetics, trappings.  Visual appeal sells cars, clothes, homes, mates, entertainers and leaders.
 *  The US is lucky that Obama came along to bring previously missing contemplation and objectivity to the presidency.  That his ascendance was attended by fear and loathing among Fox-News followers before his initiatives were implemented can only be attributed to his race or other irrelevancies.
 *  I now find myself indulging in prejudice.  Since he came on the scene decades ago, I could never countenance Donald Trump's voice or face.  That was before he revealed himself to be so conceited, entitled, narcissistic, disrespectful, shallow, vulgar, dismissive, before he stiffed investors and creditors in his four bankruptcies.  It was probably my existential abhorrence of conspicuous consumption upon hearing about his gold faucets.  If Trump wins the presidency, my life will end in transcendental torment even if he leads wisely.
 *  On further reflection, though, the other GOP contenders have pledged to enrich the rich at the expense of essential social programs, so Trump might be the least subversive of the lot.  He is, however, unpredictable and impulsive, might start a war on a whim, like Bush/Cheney.

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