Monday, November 24, 2008

If Carter had won

> From time to time, I wonder how America and the world would have evolved had Jimmy Carter won a second term. The Reagan revolution wouldn't have occurred, and Bush Sr might have had two unrevolutionary terms followed by a couple of Clinton terms.
> Policies and programs to address world overpopulation and reproductive health wouldn't have been interrupted by a gag rule. More manufacturing and middle-class jobs would still be in the US. More of our citizens would have assets, savings and comfortable retirements. Less wealth would be concentrated in a plutocracy and gambled in hedge funds, collateralized debt obligations and credit default swaps. More banks would be solvent.
> Most of our electricity would be from solar and wind energy, and more of our transportation would be electrically powered. Energy efficiency/conservation would be advanced. Our trade imbalance would be much smaller, so less of the US would be foreign owned. Our government debt would be far less than the 13 trillion that now makes us vulnerable to mistakes or blackmail by foreign governments or sovereign wealth funds.
> In summary, our policies would reflect common sense rather than Reaganomic myths and slogans.

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