Friday, February 9, 2007

US-Iranian Relations

 *  How would US-Iranian relations be judged by an objective observer who wishes Americans and Iranians well? Such an observer might say that those relations have deteriorated owing to short-sighted or incompatible economic goals, foreign-policy decisions influenced by the cold war and Israel, power struggles within each country, ethnic/cultural/religious tribalism, conventional international protocols, specific historical events and a whole lot of ignorance and self-righteousness.
 *  Perhaps a Truth and Reconciliation Conference would be a useful way to restore happier, more peaceful relations. The conference would enable each side to understand the dynamics of the other, to examine sources of resentment, explore areas of common interest, etc. It would provide an opportunity for each side to apologize for unjustified or excessive offenses and possibly to exchange some forgiveness.
 *  The US could explain and apologize for stirring up riots to overturn the democratic election of a constitutional nationalist prime minister in 1953. We could apologize for embracing the Shah, despite his irresponsible, corrupt and tyrannical ways, in order to exploit Iranian oil. Iran could explain and apologize for supporting a spontaneous invasion of our embassy by exuberant youths and the holding of hostages therein. We could explain and apologize for failing to restrain Israel's settlement expansions into Palestinian territory. Iran could explain and apologize for supporting Hezbollah in its actions against Israel, against the Lebanese government and against our former base in Lebanon. We could explain and apologize for our attitudes, positions and actions during the Iran/Iraq war. We could apologize for invading and occupying Iraq, thereby loosing a civil war in Iran's neighbor, in general for a distorted concept of US interests.
 *  It seems likely that Iranians would not have developed their stifling theocracy had we stayed out of their politics during the cold war. In any case, hateful rhetoric should be less attractive after a Truth and Reconciliation Conference.
 *  I want my country to deserve a reputation for reason and justice and believe that most Iranians want the same for their country. We are on the verge of dealing peacefully with Iran's nuclear program or failing to do that with disastrous results for generations.

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