Sunday, March 22, 2020

Letter to the editor Tennessean

   D. Bielawski’s Mar-20 letter, Put politics away, confuses me.  We both experienced the deprivations of the Great Depression and WWII, probably also unsupervised socialization, improvised recreations, unquestioned patriotism, hard work and awakening to racial injustice.
   All neighborhoods gave their sons to the war, sons who volunteered or responded proudly.  ‘War rich’ was a pejorative.  Word was bond.  The courage of our elders can hardly be imagined today – flying high-casualty sorties over Germany every day, launching beach assaults against well protected automatic weapons.
   With that life experience, I don’t know why Mr Bielawski doesn’t find draft-dodging Trump revolting.  How can he forgive Trump’s daily lies, his ignorance, lack of curiosity and his pretense, his long history of using lawyers to cheat contractors and investors?  How can he admire someone whose businesses have failed so unfailingly, someone utterly lacking modesty, generosity and empathy, someone who disrespects his spouses and brags about abusing defenseless girls?
   Those things “this president has done for this country” could have been done better by a president capable of respecting others, one surrounded by experts rather than toadies, one who considers unintended consequences before acting, one who loves truth and justice, one who doesn’t embarrass me every day.
   Disgust with Trump isn’t hate.  By contrast, Obama was subjected to unprovoked hate and lies from Fox and Breitbart pundits and from Trump throughout his tenure -- sadly also from many of my fellow bluegrass fans.

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