Monday, January 23, 2017

Courage needed for dangerous times

 * Thirty years ago I wrote a song, Three-star woman, lamenting my mediocrity.  In retirement, though, I’ve been a successful advocate and facilitator of recreational culture.  On my death bed, I’ll take comfort in that modest contribution to civilization.
 * What signature accomplishments will comfort Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker on their death beds?  Will they be proud of silently allowing their party to be infected by the hateful lies of Rush Limbaugh and his imitators at Fox News and Breitbart?  Will they be proud of repealing Obamacare, forcing their neighbors to watch loved ones suffer and die unnecessarily or be impoverished by medical expense?  How will they view scuttling the Iran nuclear deal or the Cuba opening?
 * Will they be proud of supporting a delusional Republican sociopath in the oval office?  Have they consulted the American Psychiatric Association on the risk of the nuclear button being in reach of a mercurial, sensationalistic, resentful narcissist incapable of empathy, remorse or embarrassment?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have to admit I've wondered some of these same things myself. I have often been reminded of one of my favorite sayings ascribed to George Santayana, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."