Monday, May 30, 2016

Obamacare criticized

 Re: Obamacare fails to solve health-care problems, by Sabi Kumar, Nashville Tennessean, May 29.
* Sabi Kumar condemns Obamacare for failing to provide Americans with insurance comparable to that of senators.  In fact, by removing the pre-existing-condition barrier and life-time-payout limit, ACA has delivered senator-like insurance to private-sector Americans of senator-like rank and income.  Moreover, ACA gave millions of middle-class Americans access to affordable health insurance for the first time.  It would have covered millions more had it not been sabotaged by Republican state governments.
* He implies that a better health-care law could have passed when democrats were the majority in Congress.  In fact passage required compromises with conservative politicians of both parties and with influential lobbyists for insurance-industry preservation.
* Kumar notes that many individuals and employers chose to pay the penalties for noncompliance rather than purchase health insurance.  This resulted in fewer healthy subscribers, hence losses by insurers.  Would he espouse higher penalties?
* If Kumar is sincere, he would embrace the ACA modified so as to remedy deficiencies he identifies?  That can happen only when Democrats have the presidency and the Congress.

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