Monday, May 30, 2016

Obamacare criticized

 Re: Obamacare fails to solve health-care problems, by Sabi Kumar, Nashville Tennessean, May 29.
* Sabi Kumar condemns Obamacare for failing to provide Americans with insurance comparable to that of senators.  In fact, by removing the pre-existing-condition barrier and life-time-payout limit, ACA has delivered senator-like insurance to private-sector Americans of senator-like rank and income.  Moreover, ACA gave millions of middle-class Americans access to affordable health insurance for the first time.  It would have covered millions more had it not been sabotaged by Republican state governments.
* He implies that a better health-care law could have passed when democrats were the majority in Congress.  In fact passage required compromises with conservative politicians of both parties and with influential lobbyists for insurance-industry preservation.
* Kumar notes that many individuals and employers chose to pay the penalties for noncompliance rather than purchase health insurance.  This resulted in fewer healthy subscribers, hence losses by insurers.  Would he espouse higher penalties?
* If Kumar is sincere, he would embrace the ACA modified so as to remedy deficiencies he identifies?  That can happen only when Democrats have the presidency and the Congress.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Gathering of curious

More Discussion Topics

1 Code-labelled ammunition
2 Dobro capo, Scalene triangular prism shaped
3 Junction-box improvement
4 Safe child transporter, rear key turn to prevent alarm
5 Stinky paint balls to scatter rioters
6 Stink bombs to influence rouge foreign leaders
7 Sticky LoJack
8 Instant engine jettison, parachute deployment, air bag, helicopter
9 Instant engine jettison, powerless or floating airliner, floatation deployment
10 Headlights that turn with steering
11 Dentist 37deg water squirter
12 Dentist lamp that stays on patient’s mouth
13 Dentist lamp positioned entirely by foot/knee controls
14 Dentist chair positioned entirely by foot/knee controls
15 Dentist power tools automatically sterilized between patients (O3, UV, steam)
16 Digital storage of denture mold
17 Nuclear steam turbine for 24/365 surveillance drone
18 Device for rounding copper pipe end
19 Device for smoothly bending/straightening copper pipe
20 National ObitAlert (newspaper service)
21 Charged and permeable local anesthetic for electrophoretic infiltration
22 Submarine bulkheads with lift bars for submersible guided hooks
23 Submarine with deployable floatation bags
24 Laser grid
25 DNA of nummular eczema vs nearby skin
26 Inertial cast-iron-drain clean-out-cap opener
27 Bidirectional clean-out access
28 Improved drain snake
29 Tyrant Retirment Paradise
30 Automatic home-mortgage principal adjustment, shared risk
31 Semi-truck jack-knife resister
32  Engineers adjusting fiscal policy to approach politically decided targets

1 Magnetic field structure (?granular?)
2 Radio-wave structure (?granular?)
3 Photon shape/dimensions
4 Photon destiny
5 Gravity ?=? Space repulsion ?=? Dark energy
6 Field of electron, still vs moving (special relativitiy)
7 Spherical-bell-like oscillations of electrons in orbit / energy states
8 Ideal society?  Shared provision, Rights respected
9 Sovereignty theory, need for leadership, spokespersons
10 Primitive drives, survival and civilization
11 Policies for extending a society, justice for future?
12 Inevitability and melioration of events/experience
13 Roles of evolution and desire in deterministic universe
14 Difference between neutron about to decay and those not about to decay
15 Electron gun in vacuum or on graphine
16 Mechanisms of heterogeneity and organization of universe
17 How cesium oscillations counted
18 What motions slow clocks, orbital about still observer, orbital about rotating observer?
19 Where are all the big-bang photons that didn't become matter?  What are they doing?