Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Obama's declining approval

* Polls show a decline in Obama's approval. This might be expected, considering the relentless sedition of conservative broadcasters since 2008. In my opinion, his stewardship of the nation and the world has been better than would be expected with any of his opponents.
* ObamaCare is a step in the right direction from where we were, it will evolve for the better, and it would be better now were it not for reactionary governors willing to destroy their own health-care systems for ideological purity.
* Granted, he spoke too soon on the Skip Gates encounter with Cambridge police, and he drew a couple of ill-considered red lines on Iran and Syria, and his administration was too supportive of the Arab spring when benign neglect or objective analysis would have been preferable. He should have better explained his policies and several trumped-up scandals.
* But these pale in comparison to Bush's giving our military the impossible task of modernizing Afghanistan's culture and Bush's sending our military on a criminal mission to change Iraq from a secular dictatorship opposing al-Qaeda to a cauldron of incompatible tribes and sects susceptible to ISIS domination.
* Obama's military reticence is preferable to the Republican doctrine of more muscular presence in the world. His analytical decision making is preferable to the blathering of conservative pundits and politicians.

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