Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Talk Radio

Almost from its beginning and especially since 9/11, AM1430 Public Radio has been the sound track of my retirement (that punctuated by episodes of recreational music making). I like its objective, almost academic, presentation of current events, history, ideas, science, policy implications, etc. Public Radio helps with my inner debate about what policies might enable the US and the world to be happier and more peaceful for a longer time.
Occasionally Public Radio addresses a pop-culture topic, so I dial AM1510 Fox News, to see what's eating them. Its hosts and callers praise Republicans obsequiously and vilify Democrats hatefully--this despite growing prosperity under Clinton and deterioration under Bush. Their attacks on Barack Obama seem libelous. Fox News behaves as an arm of the Republican party, tasked with distracting listeners with trivia so they will vote against their own interests.
A few more years of unbridled budget deficits, labor outsourcing, offshore banking, offshore incorporation, deregulation, unnecessary wars, profligate lifestyles, neglect of family planning and neglect of renewable energy will bankrupt the nation. That's a high price to pay for the agendas of Fox News, George Will, Cal Thomas & Phil Valentine. An influential Republican thinktanker, Grover Norquist, desires national bankruptcy. Do you?

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