Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ethical Pragmatism

Ethical Pragmatism = quest for the objectively desirable & possible
Or : What would Jesus cheer for today? Or : What would we support/oppose if we cared for everyone including future generations equally? Or : Golden rule applied in four dimensions.
Can we examine doctrines and paradigms of the socioeconomic dynamic based on experience, evidence, reason, modeling - without reference to authority or scripture or personal benefit?
Anxiety. I don't like it. Do society and economy need so much? How much reduction of anxiety is desirable, possible? By what policy, eg universal health coverage? Should public assistance be modified? How?
GDP growth, pros & cons. Effect on earth health? Is it sustainable? Any substitutes for social-stabilizing effect of high employment rate? Is there a happy societal adaptation to constant or diminishing GDP?
Population growth, pros & cons. Effect on earth health? Is it sustainable? Is there a happy societal adaptation to constant of diminishing population? Incentives?
Laissez-faire capitalism vs regulation. Regardez the SUV & Oxycontin!!!
Globalization vs protectionism. Obligation to our labor, consideration of foreign economies.
Latino immigration. Why is it? What would be preferable and how implemented?
Subsidies, cost/benefit for every kind of person affected, recipients, non-recipient Americans, international competitors.
Balanced budget amendment. Who promoted it? Who wanted it? Consequences of failure/success? How to implement? Exceptions?
Progressive taxation. What is purpose? Best formula? Grover Norquist doctrine.
If you break it you own it. Is this valid under all circumstances?
Finance-free politics?
Universal national service, one year, two years?

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