Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rupert Murdoch punishment

* Back when Rupert Murdoch felonies were in the news, I dwelled on the question whether he could be punished for the lies and gratuitous hate heard on his property, Fox Talk Radio.
* It was just over a decade ago when the FCC stopped requiring broadcasters to balance partisan rhetoric with opposing views. They still forbid certain obscenities under some circumstances. Why not forbid lies or at least require them to be exposed during a 10-minute cleanup segment at the end of each hour?
* Note to judges: Condemn all guilty Murdoch executives to wearing a digital-radio necklace that plays Steve Gill, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin from 7 am to 7 pm relayed via a fact checker who inserts a buzzer noise at the end of every lie.
* This might be a pretty good punishment for all Republican white-collar criminals, in addition to restitution. Democratic white-collar criminals could be punished with a digital-radio collar playing NPR relayed from a buzzer-wielding fact checker, in addition to restitution.

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